Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Well i was called back to do my reservist for 18 days. Our unit was being evaluated by the army for 4 days and 4 nights while we did ongoing missions. I took on the role as a section commander with 6 men under me but this time round only 3 reported back. They were Jacky, Chee seng and Chai. It was hard getting to know them at first because they are like way older than me. They were like all 10-13 years older than me but nevertheless i did get to know them and they are good men. I learn about the jobs they have outside and i really enjoyed being around them. As the days go by i got to know most of the people in the platoon and they are all good men. I joked around with them they joked around with me, it was all good fun. They all communicate in hokkien and chinese. I got closer to the platoon during the 4 days and 4 nights because of the things that we have to endure together outfield. I tell you this is the most siong outfield i have ever been to my entire life in the army haha. Well we went through it anywayz... first day we left camp at night and we took the vehicle to a jungle and we started to dig, each person has to dig one hole for himself. And the place where i was digging was like all stones. Everyone else finished digging within 2 hours. But me and Jacky was still digging, we dug for like 4 hours, in the end we stopped and we went to sleep. Next morning was a bit relaxed because all we have to do is stay in the hole and defend. We cooked noodles and stuff drinked milo it was like a picnic LOL. then it rained for like the whole afternoon, everyone was super sian. Then came night where we set off for our first mission, we started walking at 10pm and stopped walking at 6am. By the time we finished the mission it was like 12pm. After the success of our first mission we did a defence again from about 1pm to like 8pm. Then after that we changed into new clothes had dinner and slept from like 10pm to 2am. At 2am we got ready for our 2nd mission and this was the toughest..... it was a 10km walk to the objective, we started off walking at 2am and reached our objective at 830am we waited and slept till 10am when we started attacking. By that time my body was like super weak i never fell so tired before in my life... every step i took was like killing me. I started to think about Jesus, how He took the cross and walked to calvary it was definitely worst than my march. I compared my experience with His. I had blisters with shoes on and it hurts like crazy. I am sure He has blisters too but without any shoes on so it will definitely hurt even more because He was walking on sand and stone. The things i had to carry was heavy and it hurts my back. He had to carry the cross and it was definitely heavier than what i had to carry. The more i compared the more i had the energy to keep on walking. Thank you Jesus for everything you have done for me. By the end of the mission i was super tired everything i did within 2 to 3 minutes i will doze off. haha. super tiring, thirsty and hungry. By the end of these 4 days 4 nights i got to know the men more and i really enjoyed going through this with them. If there happen to be a war i am willing to fight it together with beside them.
When i begin to mix around with these men i begin to realise somethings. I realise that the things that they say, they say it with conviction and they say it because they have experience it before and they know what is going on. They are firm with the decisions that they make and do not think twice about whether its wrong or right, because they know its right.
They are bold and daring, when they give instructions they are clear and firm. When instructions are given you do what it says and not an easier way out. And as a commander you ensure the standards and dont be so "anything also can"
arh there are so many things for you to learn Ben. Till the day when you can really take care of yourself don even think about having someone in your life.
I think God is really shaping me up through these experience. He put me around people who are 28 to 35 years old to show me how real men behave themselves. To show me how they carry themselves.
When i look at myself and look at the way i act and the way i do things i realise i am really quite far from being a real man. I am not saying that i have low self esteem... i am just saying i am aware of all these things. Some of the things that i do really pull down my reputation and some of the things that i say are not clear and not firm. sometimes i am not bold nor daring. sometimes i am afraid of giving instructions, afraid that people wont listen.
But its getting better now. I am changing slowly.
Nevertheless i thank God for these experiences, they make me stronger.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Something that hit me right in the face
Some people may be decieved that they are not good enough. But how many of you know that it is not true.
When oppotunities arises in your life, you begin to say to yourself that you are not ready or you are not good enough for it, that you need some time to improved yourself.
But things happen for a reason, opportunties come to you for a reason. Not by chance but God-given. When God gives you an opportunity He knows you are able to do it but of course not on your own. When God gives you an opportunity He expects you to take it and work with Him.
If you reject the opportunity and give a reason that because you are not good enough or its not your time, then let me ask you a question, when then are you good enough and how do you know its your time?
When God gives you an opportunity you don improve yourself first then take the opportunity but you take the opportunity by faith based on the reason that God is a good God and He will surely be by your side all the way to help you, then while doing that you improve yourself. Of course i am not saying that you go in there blindly and not prepare yourself, you need to at least know what is going on, you do your best and you leave the rest to God.
When God asked Moses to speak to the people, Moses said to God that he wasnt good at speaking. He didnt even have time to improve himself but he did it by faith and God spoke through him.
We need to grab hold of these opportunities. Believe that God will be there with us.
There is a point in life where you tell yourself that you are an adult and you begin to think maturely. You want to change because you need to. It is now or procrastinate.
Monday, July 13, 2009
hahaha and remember we play the bubble (made up of glue) it was so messy la... then we started attacking each other LOL. and not to forget my proness in shooting those balloons...
Yup thats what i can remember for the whole trip. lol... thats all we did in that 7 days.
Thank you all you all have been great fun. :)
Friday, July 10, 2009
How do you work and work and work and keep on keeping on in your ministry and not burn out? Where do you get the passion to do that? Well the answer is to keep getting fresh new revelations from God. Passion is fuelled by new revelations. Have you ever had the feeling of recieving a revelation, you always get so excited to want to share with others. As a cell group leader its crucial to get new revelations all the time, so you are able to feed the members under you. Pst Tan say when you get fresh mana from heaven you recieve it first then pass it down to the people behind you. I was in taiwan and we visited New Life Church and Pst Tan preached his E1R1 message in chinese that week. I was really happy because i was able to understand quite clearly, thank God haha. He was sharing about the illustration about him being a scout and he has to go ahead of the battalion to find a path, and that it was easier to take a path that people have walked before because it is easier. As a scout when you begin to plant those light sticks beside the path, it can symbolise crucial turning points in your life. When you begin to go back to your battalion to lead them to this path it will be much easier because you have gone through this path before. In life its pretty much the same, all the things that have happen in your life good or bad they all add to your experience in life, the more you encounter the more experience you are. It happens for a good reason, it makes you stronger plus you are able to lead people out of it easily because you have gone through it before.
Revelation from God keeps you in line with what God wants to share to you and the people around you. Lets be more excited in recieving new revelations from God.
Friday, June 26, 2009
This song is really encouraging, the lyrics really changes the perspective of how you look at God. Many a times we are always so busy with our daily stuff and we forget that God is always by our side, holding onto us whenever we fall. Sometimes we try so hard to earn God's love and grace, whenever we do something wrong we will have this mindset that God is angry with us but actually... He is not. All He wants us to do is to run back to Him. Don't turn away from Him. Wait upon Him.
Psalms 25
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Long time
Right now i talking to Lai yoong over skype. Was saying how his holidays like no holidays... he still has to stay in hostel to do his chem presentation and stuff... still got dragon boat competition.
This period i am kind of into singing, want to learn alot of new songs. But the lyrics hard to learn because they are in chinese. I have been learning this song called fen bu gu sheng by xiao jin teng. Quite a nice song but hard to sing haha.
Hmmm... what is the next step after this. I know it but yet its hard to do. Sometimes when you know what to do even if you are not sure just try it out you never know what will happen. Do it and leave the rest to God.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I need to go off to study now. Talk to you guys later.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I read this scripture in Mark 8:34-38 and it kind of portray the same thought
We live day by day so comfortably with our lives doing our own things. Working so hard and getting everything that we want. Not knowing that we are losing our soul as the days go by. That you begin to see that we will not worry about this problem until when the time is almost up, when we are on our deathbed. For global warming it may seem irredeemable but still people are trying their best to reduce it. For our souls, you realise it's never too late to save it, but why wait till old age to realise this. Why not start now?
"Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?
"When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up?" They say to Him, "Twelve"
"Also, when i broke the seven for the four thousand, how many large baskets full of fragments did you take up?" And they said, "Seven"
So He said to them, "How is it you do not understand?"
Having eyes do you not see the miracles that God has done around you? Having ears do you not hear the testimonies around you? Having a mind, do you not remember what the Lord has done for you? When you are in difficulty always remember what God has done for you in the past. Know that what He has done for you in the past He is able to do the same today, because He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
The question ultimately lies in whether you believe that God is a good God. If you do then how is it that you do not understand? How is it that you do not understand that God can provide you with a miracle? If you believe that God is good, even when you start to doubt, fight against it, tell yourself I DO UNDERSTAND. I DO UNDERSTAND that my God is a good God and He has a great plan for me, a plan that will be implemented at the right timing, not too late nor too early but just in time.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Went for cell group today, it was great man. I got to know most of the cg quite fast, its really a new experience. They are so lively and cheerful, so friendly so willing.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
not that its bad or anything, its good.
I am quite excited, but quite afraid at the same time.
Am i ready? Yes i am.
So many lives in your hands.
You better not fool around too much anymore.
There are still so many things to be done.
There is a time and season for everything.
And i am afraid some of my seasons are longer than required. HA.
Need to allocate properly. or else you will never get anywhere.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Have you ever wonder?
At that point of time, at your age, because of your lack of knowledge, you were unable to understand why. But your parents understood why because they have a bigger perspective, with their experience and knowledge they understood. Some things that we think are good for us arent actually good for us. We do not have the bigger perspective of what's going to happen. But our parents do and they know whats best for us. Sometimes we might not understand why but in the future when you look back, you will begin to see that it happened for a reason.
Its the same for God. Luke 11:9-13
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
I did talked to Dwan about my role in security, that he has decided to talk to Kok yew about taking me off as the Outing 2IC and the birthday IC, so that i will not have too much commitment. Though my role in secuirty may not seem important but i believe that in everywhere that we serve in we have to serve with excellence because ultimately you are serving God. In every position that you are in no matter whether you are the IC or not, it is an important position, there is a reason for you or for that position to exist in the first place. Just like how the church is as strong as its congregation, the ministry is only as strong as the members serving in each different position. It is the little things that you do now that will determine the greater things that you will do in the future. Do you think that if i take lightly the position of standing behind the curtain, just because its not a significantly important position, God will empower me to do greater things for Him? Do you entrust someone with 1000 if he cant even keep 50? There you go.
I really thank God for everything that He has done for me, the opportunities that He has given me throughout the years and till now where He has brought me to. It's amazing how He can change things around. I truly believe that greater things are going to happen this year round. Certain things are there to distract but when you know that its not time then you better just stay focus. Don't go for it till God tells you that it is time. God answers every prayer, sometimes He delays it for your good.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Some have fallen on stoney ground
But there was only one that caught his attention
He scooped it up and gave it undivided attention
The seed grew into a beautiful plant
Like any other plant it has it's flaws
But only in his eyes, it was perfect
He continued to take care of it every single day
Time has gone by in a blink of an eye
The plant has grown into a tree
Like any other plant it's flaws are still there
Magnified by it's mass
But after so many years
He has learnt how to appreciate it
Both have met each other's needs
Just by looking at the tree every single day satisfied his need
And the tree was watered, cared for and being loved
The man grew old as time passed by
The tree was still as beautiful as ever
On his bed, he looked out of the window
He thought to himself, that is the most beautiful tree he has ever seen in his life.
Memories began to flood his mind
How he had another one before this
But it died even before it became a plant
He said "But none can compare to this one!"
He knew it was time,
But he just want another glimpse at the tree
Tiredness over took his passion
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Ministering in Faith
He put you where He put you because He wanted to put you there. All of us have to stay put where He puts us until He’s ready to move us. Everybody’s got their burden, just in different areas. Your ministry does matter to God. It is a significant part of the kingdom. What matters is not what anybody else thinks. What matters is, Am I pleasing to God? Can I stand before Him and have Him say, `Well done, thou good and faithful servant. You were believing when you didn’t see it. You were obeying when you didn’t understand it, giving when you didn’t have it, and persevering when you didn’t feel like it and thanking before you got it, and trusting when you didn’t get it.” These all receive their confirmation. That’s the real question. Is my ministry being performed in faith?
Rick Warren

Sunday, January 18, 2009
I just feel really excited tonight, because of one phone call i made. That encouraged me to be more discipline, be it in my studies, or the things that i am tasked to do. That i must be a good testimony to the people around me, that my life will begin to encourage and inspire the people around me to do greater things. We are not doing what we are doing for nothing, it is for a greater purpose.
Monday, January 5, 2009
First day of school
Today was a good day.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy New Year
Well i didnt do much on new year's eve, stayed at home because didnt feel like going out haha. too many people too crowded.
Today is a great day, i get to stay at home and relax.